Time and again the Bible refers to water as an image of God's love. Did you know that under Memphis, Tennessee there is a huge aquifer (spring) that holds billions of gallons of water 1000 feet under ground? It is inexhaustible for the people in Memphis. Think of Jesus as the living water that springs up into our lives to overflowing. We cannot possibly hold God's love inside us. It overflows to those around us as we learn to love as He loves.
Have you expereienced God's amazing love? If not, my friend, I am praying for you. Say His name and you will know His presence. I have been without His love, and I never want to experience that again. No one has to because God knocks at the door of our hearts, waiting for us to invite Him in. Will you do that today?
I just took a long draft of water reading this. Yeah... its like that. Satisfying!
Thank you, Chris. I hope you took time to enjoy the YouTube video.
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