- The River of Life will flow from the throne of God. Its waters will be as clear as crystal.
- Rising on each side of the river is the tree of life bearing twelve kinds of fruit, one for each month of the year.
- There will be no night--no need of light from the sun or a lamp--for the Lord God will be light.
- No curse.
- The throne of God and the Lamb will be in the city and we will serve Him, even as we do today.
Lord Jesus, I pray for those reading your word. Inspire them and move in their hearts to love you and live for you. Amen.
When you view the beauty of Yosemite and other spectacular natural wonders, we cannot begin to imagine what God has for us in Heaven. Thanks for the reminder.
I agree. The artist did a good job of interpreting Revelation 22, but I think you are right. We can't imagine how wonderful our new home will be. Thank you for your comment.
Thank you Sue. That was lovely.
Beautiful Word - Maranatha!
Thank you Pamela and Patrick for your encouraging comments.
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