- The New Jerusalem will come down from heaven prepared as a bride for her husband on their wedding day.
- The walls will be of jasper (that means diamonds).
- Each of the twelve gates will be a single pearl.
- The foundations of the walls will be of precious jewels--jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth and amethyst.
- The streets will be of pure gold.
- There will be no evil, shame, or deceit.
- There will be no tears, pain or suffering.
- There will be no sun, moon or stars because the glory of God will give it light.
- There will be no temple because the Lord God and the Lamb will be our temple.
- Jesus, the Lamb, will be it's lamp.
- The nations will walk by it's light.
- The City of God will be as long as it is wide as it is high--1400 miles cubed (as far as from San Francisco to Chicago).
Things in the world are changing rapidly--the weather, politics, nations against nations. No one knows the hour or the day when Jesus will come again--only the Father. As sure as the waters flooded the world in Noah's time, that day is coming. Will you be ready?
Here are some great resources for you to consider:
Heaven by Randy Alcorn
Heaven is Real by Todd Burpo
Zion's Hope
Lord Jesus, open the eyes of everyone to their need for you. Comfort the broken hearted and rescue the suffering. Help our unbelief and lead us to trust You today and forever. Amen.
Sue, I LOVE your post! It gave me joy bumps! You hit on one of my favorite topics. I can hardly wait for that great day.
Blessings ~ Danie
I'm glad we share the same joy of that day. It will be like none other. Blessings to you, my friend.
LOVE this post, Sue. Like Danie said, it gave me chills just to think about it.
I'm so glad you visited my blog. Thank you for your comments.
We are studying the book of Revelation on Wed nights at church and your blog is such a wonderful fit for our study. I also believe Jesus is coming soon. Thanks for the beautiful, clear description of our eternal home, Sue.
I'm so happy this helps. If I don't see you before, I will see you in this wonderful place. :)
Such wonderful hope the Lord gives us with the descriptions of what is to come, Sue. And you've painted an even more vivid picture with your words. Lovely.
Amen, Sister. God's word is filled with great hope. Thank you for your encouraging comment.
I'm there. That's my REAL home!
Our home, where we'll live with Christ forever. Thank you for your comment.
a must visit site .
i thank the lamb of god for salvation and grace he gave my family.me and my loves ones wil be there praising god around the throne glory to god x
Thank you for the encouragement, Carl. I look forward to meeting you in Glory.
Love your article, thank you for sharing...as I have only recently (18mth ago) retuned to a fulfilling communion with God. I have not yet read the whole bible and it is so lovely to think of the Joy that awaits us on that day and forevermore.
Do you know where i may aquire a copy of the picture you used for this blog...I would like to have it in my files for use at church via the data projector.
Thanking you again, God Bless
Hi Lisa,I am glad the message inspired and encouraged you. The picture is from www.plusimage.com and it's a free download. If you can get it off my post, you are welcome to do that too. Blessings to you, my friend.
Wow, thank you Sue, for such a quick reply. The picture is so fitting for our service tomorrow.
Bless You
º°`°º¤☆★ May God Continue to Bless you and use you in all of His ways ★☆º°`°º¤
Thank you for your awesome blessing.
It is wonderful. I love the picture. wow, would like to frame it. THANKS for sharing and for all your help
I like the picture too. It would be lovely framed and hanging in our homes. Just think, it is our future home. What awesome hope we have in Christ.
Bubbling with excitement! :)
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