Happy New Year! With the Christmas holidays behind us and a new year ahead of us, I often think about new beginnings (resolutions). I could lose the holiday weight I gained, get better organized, or resolve to stay focused on my writing projects. However, my track record with New Year's resolutions is not good and this year I don't want to make any. Why set myself up for failure?
If you identify with me, I am suggesting an alternative for 2008. Let's let God love us. In 1 John 3:1 God says, "It is my desire to lavish my love on you." Are you ready for God's lavishing love? I am!
Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field," Matt. 13:44. Amazingly Jesus found a treasure in each of us and He gave all He had, His life, to purchase us from our slavery to sin. In addition, He gave us abundant and eternal life, a life that surpasses our imagination.
"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us," 1 John 3:16. His love for us is not based on our good behavior or accomplishments. He loved us so much He died for us while we were stuck in our sin. What treasure could He have found in us then? Yet He sees much more in each of us than we are today.
Let us trust Him for what we will become. Let us trust Him with all that concerns us. Let us trust Him when we are tired and weary for He will carry us, strengthen us and help us accomplish all that He has purposed for us to do. "He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us; plans to give us hope and a future," Jeremiah 29:11.
Will you let God lavish His love on you? Trusting Him with who we will become will change us and changed lives change lives.
Loved loved loved this devotion. Especially your last words...changed lives change lives.
Happy New Year frien, Joanne
I saw this in Health Magazine this month, by MJ Ryan - Life Coach and Author.
I thought you would like it ~
"What if this year you and I resolve to accept ourselves exactly as we are? Imagine the relief we'll feel if we kick the relentless self-improvement habit. You know -- if we stop reciting chapter and verse about all our failings and mess-ups, and, instead, take pleasure in who we are right now. Can you do it? If it seems difficult, that's no surprise. In fact, I once read that the most frequent question to Ann Landers was, "What's wrong with me?"
Surely, we could all benefit from remembering the value that our Creator has placed in us and how much He loves us.
He loves you, Sue, just the way you are ~ and I do, too!
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