God made us with eternity in mind. Is it any wonder that we instinctively think of living forever? People don’t like to think of physical death but it won’t hold us any more than it did Jesus. Like Him, we will rise from our graves with glorified bodies to live on the New Heaven and Earth. Pain and suffering will not reign in our new bodies. Yet Heaven will be a continuation of this life. That is why it is important for me to finish well. I long to hear the words from God as I enter His presence, “Well done good and faithful servant,” and I am filled with wonder as to what I will do in Heaven. The choices we make today and the things we do count for eternity. Yet nothing really counts except what we do for God. Pleasing God is our legacy on earth and our preparation for living with Him forever.
Glimpses of Heaven start in Genesis with Creation. God was pleased with all He made. Have you made things? I am a knitter and I love to knit beautiful scarves and sweaters. When I make these things, I think they are good and I think they will last forever. That’s how God felt when He created the world. Yet sin brought its curse on us. I cannot blame Eve because I probably would have done the same. I chose my own way for too long and paid the consequences. God in His mercy provided a solution to my sin problem. He sent Jesus to suffer punishment for my sin so I could be with Him forever.
Before Jesus left this world He said, “I am making all things new.” He also said He was going to prepare a place for me and that He would come back to take me to that place so I could be with Him forever. This is the hope of every Christian. If you are reading this and you are not sure about eternity, I want you to know I am praying for you. I invite you to read the Bible, God’s love letter to you. You will find it applicable to your life and you will learn how much God loves you.
Wonderful post on eternity! There is so much more than what we can see, hear, taste, smell and touch right now. We are destined for so much more!
Wise words! I love how He makes all things new. Your post blessed me. That is part of one of my favorite scriptures, "Behold He makes all things new..." What an awesome God we serve.
God Bless, Joanne
p.s. I finally have my blog up and running www.onesoblessed.blogspot.com
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