Today I am excited to interview award winning author, Kathi Macias. She has written thirty books under her name and edited/ghostwritten approximately one hundred others. Her books have been published in English, Spanish, Polish and Korean.
Sue Welcome to my blog, “Reflections of God’s Glory,” Kathi.
Kathi Thanks, Sue. It’s my pleasure to be here.
Sue Would you start by telling us what inspired you to be a writer?
Kathi I have never wanted to be anything else, though my writing has now expanded into speaking/teaching. My husband, whom I’ve known since we were six, often reminds me of the day when we were teenagers and I told him I was going to be a writer someday. He says I’m the only person he knows who actually followed through on a childhood dream.
Sue What is your foundation for writing? Did you major in journalism in college?
Kathi My husband and I actually married right out of high school, so there was no time for college then. He was in the Air Force, and we soon had two babies in diapers. As a result, I went to college on the “life plan”—took me nearly all my life to complete it! I focused on two main objects of study during those many years—journalism and the Bible. As a result, I am not only a writer but also an ordained minister.
Sue Did you start your career writing books?
Kathi No. I have worn many hats in the publishing world. I worked in-house at Gospel Light/Regal Books as a curriculum editor for a while, worked as a string reporter and a newspaper columnist for a local paper, wrote magazine articles and short stories and poems, and also worked as a newsletter editor.
Sue You have written fiction (historical and contemporary), non-fiction, and children’s books, as well as poems, articles and short stories. Do you have a preference?
Kathi I love writing just about anything, but I suppose my favorite is issues-related fiction. It’s what I prefer to read, so it follows that I would prefer to write it as well. But I also enjoy writing nonfiction Bible study-type books, as I love digging into Scripture and helping others understand its relevance to their lives.
Sue I started reading your books last year after you were interviewed on Dianne Butts blog and have used information in Beyond Me and Mothers of the Bible Speak to Mothers of Today in a couple of my articles. Your writing is inspiring and easy to read. Is that why you are known as the Easy Writer?
Kathi LOL! That may be part of it, but I actually earned that name because my husband and I are Harley-riding grandparents.
Sue Amazing! Do you travel across country or locally? Do you take your ministry on your Harley?
Kathi We primarily ride locally, though my husband is committed to making a cross-country trip this year before he/we get any older. He may have to make it with our nephews/sons/grandsons, though (a guy thing), as I’m not sure my back is up to anything that extensive. And yes, the ministry goes with us, particularly as we often ride with other Christian bikers and watch for opportunities to spread the love of Jesus wherever we go and to whomever we meet.
Sue Kathi, last week I read My Son John and I honestly thought it was one of your non-fiction books. I am glad to know it is a novel but I want you to know I couldn’t put it down. Do you have a background in prison ministry? Or do you have someone in your family or a friend who has had this experience?
Kathi You’re not the first one to think this novel was a true story. Many have written to ask which of my sons I based the story on, and the answer is none. Yes, I have an extensive background in prison ministry. I have travelled with a national prison ministry into some of the highest level security prisons in the country. I have also taught women’s Bible studies at local jails and ministered at CYA (California Youth Authority); once I had the privilege of spending an entire day on Death Row in San Quentin. What an amazing experience that was! I was thrilled when Prison Fellowship opted to run an excerpt of My Son, John in their online ezine, as I have great respect for that ministry.
Sue Would you tell us about your current projects?
Kathi I have five novels scheduled for release in the coming year. Four are a contemporary, international series from New Hope Publishers (their first-ever venture into fiction), and one is a stand-alone historical novel from Abingdon Press. I am also relaunching my radio program soon, with an expanded focus from writing as a ministry to include ALL the arts in ministry. I’m very excited about this, as is my co-host, Christian artist Ron DiCianni. All of the upcoming books are highlighted on my website and blog, and the radio program will be as well once our launch date is confirmed.
Sue Have you always been a Christian? Is all your writing for the Christian market?
Kathi I thought I was a Christian when I was young, even though I wasn’t raised in a Christian home. I suppose because I grew up in an America where the Bible was still read in school and I had heard/accepted the basic tenets of Christianity, I assumed I was a Christian. I wasn’t born again until I was 26, and because my actual writing for publication didn’t begin until soon after that, the majority of my writing/publishing has been in the Christian arena. The one exception would be my newspaper work.
Sue Would you tell us about your writing lifestyle? Do you stick to a discipline?
Kathi I am as disciplined as I can be with the many responsibilities currently on my plate. My 88-year-old mother lives with us, and I am her primary caretaker, so that cuts into my daily schedule and forces me to be flexible. It also reinforces my commitment to discipline because if I slack off too much, I can never meet my many deadlines. I am up very early (between four and five at least five days a week and sometimes six). This is the only way I can be relatively assured of an hour or more of quiet, private time with the Lord before diving into my to-do list. I try to knock off by four or five in the afternoon and spend some quality time with my husband before we fall into bed by nine or so, but occasionally we have to sacrifice an evening so I can meet a looming deadline. Sundays are my day off, period.
Sue Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story that inspires your work?
Kathi I have several, but Habakkuk 2:2 is right at the top of the list: “Write the vision…and make it plain.” I have expanded it in my signature line to read “communicate the vision” because I am now speaking as well as writing, but the focus is the same. God has called me to write/speak/teach/preach the gospel any way I can, every chance I get.
Sue How can our readers purchase your books?
Kathi Many are available in bookstores around the country. If they aren’t physically in the stores, they can be ordered there. They are also available online at the usual outlets: Amazon, CBD, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc. The easiest way might be to go to my website (www.kathimacias.com) to read about the books and view the accompanying videos, then order them from there.
Sue Thank you, Kathi, for taking time for this interview. You have inspired me and I know my readers have benefited from getting to know you.
Kathi is having a book giveaway, Tuesday, February 9, 2009. We will have a drawing from readers of this interview who leave a comment. The winner will be able to choose any book from the following list:
Beyond Me
Loose Cannons
Mothers of the Bible
My Son, John
The Price
Emma Jean
Please take time to visit Kathi's website at www.kathimacias.com and view her book trailers. Also be sure to visit her blog at http://kathieasywritermacias.blogspot.com/.
Thank you, Sue, for posting our interview. I look forward to getting to know your readers. Blessings!
What a wonderful interview! I enjoyed getting to know you, Kathi!
I, too, am on the life plan for college as I am currently studying for a degree in theology. I've never heard it put that way! lol! Lovely author and great interview! Thank you.
Thank you for stopping by Debby and Donna. I am a big Kathi fan and you will be too if you aren't yet. I highly recommend her books.
Kathi, Your interview was all my pleasure. I love your books and I'm prayng for you as you keep your deadlines and take care of your mom. Blessings to you, Sue
What a wonderful interview of a talented author. Thank you for giving Kathi this opportunity!
Thank you, Tamela. This was indeed a great experience. I am glad you liked the interview.
It is always interesting to read an author's story. Kathi certainly has an amazing story--five novels coming out this year! Whew! Thanks, Sue!
Thank you, Chris. If you haven't read any of Kathi's books, I highly recommend them. She's a pro at fiction AND non-fiction! I've recently become a great fan.
Congratulations to Chris Pedersen for winning the book give away. I contacted her and she selected OBSESSION. I can't wait to hear about it, Chris.
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