The next day it was delivered by an angel. It must have been an angel. I never heard a truck or saw a delivery person. I heard a small knock on the door and wondered who that could be because it was before 9:00 in the morning. When I opened the door, there it was all by itself. I rescued it from the porch and tore into the box. It was already set up with my Amazon profile and passwords. Amazing!
Just to see if it was as easy as I heard, I turned it on, clicked on menu, clicked on the Amazon store, and keyed in 'Francine Rivers.' Her two new books popped up on the page. I clicked on them one at a time and purchased them. In seconds they were downloaded to my Kindle. I was so excited!!! I've already read the first book, Her Mother's Hope. I can't wait to read Her Daughter's Dream but I'm on a writing assignment with a looming deadline.
The next thing I downloaded was the NIV Study Bible. Now I don't have to have a big Bible in my car or lug one on the airplane when I travel. I can read it wherever I am and that makes me happy.
The best part is that this Kindle fits in my purse. I don't ever have to be caught in a waiting room without reading material again. The second best thing is that it has a cover with a reading light. This will come in extremely handy when John and I go camping next summer.
It's great for reading manuscripts too!
Hi Cheri,
I haven't done that yet. Thank you for the reminder. Happy New Year!
Well, yippee for you! I'm a fellow e-reader myself. Got the Nook Color this year, wooohooo. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE, it.
It is almost too easy to purchase books, isn't it?
Happy New Year Sue!
Yes, purchasing books is way too easy. We have to have lunch and compare. I'm praying for you and Paul for Sunday. Bless you as you prepare.
Sue, I love the way your thoughts flow into words. And I love how you tell the Lord you love Him at the close of your prayer. I like to do that, too. I hadn't thought of Kindle for a Bible. Now there's an idea that would be so nice for church and prayer group.
Thank you for your encouraging comments. The Bible I put on my Kindle is a study Bible, one I don't have on the shelf. I'm looking forward to using it. Happy New Year, Pat.
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