Today I am interviewing Dee Aspin, author of Lord of the Ringless, a devotional book that helps singles find contentment, soothe the yearning for a mate, overcome feelings of rejection, depression and anxiety, apply Scripture to singleness, understand God’s love and care, pursue dreams and practice courage. Dee is an RN who has spent over 25 years in Christian ministry with Singles, Discipleship, Missions, Youth camps and currently volunteers with the Juvenile Justice Chaplaincy. She loves the great outdoors, the snow-capped Sierra Nevadas, and hiking in the natural settings and wildlife near California’s rivers and lakes with her happy dogs.
Sue: Dee, welcome to Reflections of God’s Glory.
Dee: Thank you, Sue. I am glad to be here.
Sue: Would you tell us about yourself?
Dee: Yes, I have started a singles group and served as coordinator twice. I attend Bayside Singles and I’m a pray team leader. I have a California School Teacher’s credential, and I’m a freelance inspirational writer. I’ve been a guest writer for cbn.com and written devotionals for Barbour Publisher’s dog and cat books. I am currently attending Western Seminary--Coaching.
Sue: Wow! I am impressed. What prompted you to write Lord of the Ringless?
Dee: I wanted to share the hope I have found as a Christian single.
Sue: Would you tell us more about your book?
Dee: Lord of the Ringless consists of forty devotions or short Bible studies which can challenge group or individual participation, offer encouragement through dating pitfalls and inspire faith while waiting. It builds hope and faith in God through stories, Scripture, quotes, and prayers. It explores our relationship with God, self and others.
Sue: What is your relationship, Dee?
Dee: I have always wanted to be married. However, I saw the damage divorce caused my parents. I have peace in my singleness and have accepted Jesus as my perfect husband. Trusting Him, I know He is aware of my deepest longings for marriage and at the same time has given me fulfillment in ministry.
Sue: What about children?
Dee: I have worked as a school teacher, Sunday school teacher, and spent time with teens in Juvenile Hall. I have also enjoyed time I spent with my nephews.
Sue: In a short summary, what advice does your book have for singles?
Dee: I like to think of my advice in five Ls:
LOOK—Connect with your eyes. Engage. Look at your date when you talk, when he talks. Invest and value your time together. Luke 11:34
LAUGH—Humor, courage, kindness, conversation. Laughter is the sunshine of the heart. Proverbs 31:25
LOVE—Doing the highest and the best for another; blessing our gentle Savior, Shepherd by following His lead in loving. Philippians 1:9
LISTEN—When we listen, we affirm others and begin to understand them, and eventually to know them. James 1:19
LEARN—Life blossoms where we learn and grow. Harvest the lessons of the moment. Dance in the now. Psalm 25:4-5
Hope . . . outside the box.
Sue: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Dee: Yes, I discuss in the book how God blesses us with or without a mate. I also want to mention that many Singles have a difficult time around Valentine’s Day. May I suggest Lord of the Ringless for the Single in your life? To obtain your copy, please visit my website at www.lordoftheringless.com.
Sue: Thank you, Dee. That is a great suggestion. Thank you for taking time for this interview. I know your book will bless and encourage singles.
Dee: Thank you, Sue.
Thank you for interviewing such an amazing Godly woman.
I am going to Facebook AND Twitter this!
Blessings Friend!
Thank you, Joanne, for visiting my blog and for your encouraging comments. Can't wait to see you Wednesday.
I enjoyed reading this. And, it reminded me to pull out my copy of Lord of the Ringless..as Valentines is around the corner. Still being single I find encouragement in Dee's book during those down moods that sometimes creep into me. Thank you.
I agree that Dee's book is inspiring and encouraging, especially to singles. Thank you for visiting this blog.
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