
Monday, April 21, 2008

Pray for Jacob

Jacob came into my Sunday school class. It was the first time he had ever been in Sunday school. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that he came from a violent environment. He knew how to provoke the kids in my class to anger. Pretty soon all my helper and I could do was stop fights from breaking out.

Jacob aroused the natural instincts of retaliation in my Sunday school kids. Although Jesus died for bullying and anger, I had hoped that my class could show mercy to Jacob. Ironically that is what our lesson was about. But my class has not yet learned how to show mercy. They are kids.

I tried to talk to Jacob but he would not comply with anything I said. He was hateful and rebellious. He had bad language. He broke my heart when he finally said, “I just want to die.” Later I found out that he was diagnosed with depression. He’s only eight years old. His parents are going through divorce.

This was not the first time a problem child has come to my class and I began to think I needed extra skills for dealing with depressed kids. God gently reminded me that His grace is sufficient. Kids need to know His love. I thought it would take a miracle for Jacob to experience God’s love. God reminded me it took a miracle for me to experience His love. He reminded me of others in the Bible who were forgiven for things we call BIG sins; miracles upon miracles.

So I am praying for a miracle for Jacob and I am asking for your help. I realize you get many prayer requests, but on behalf of Jacob, thank you for remembering him. Please pray that he experiences God’s love soon and pray for his protection. If I see him or hear about him, I will let you know his progress.

1 comment:

ElizabethMThompson said...

Well, Sue, God sure put Jacob in the right class! Now he's got you and lots of others praying for him and his family. I'm praying, too!