God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life--The Myth of the Modern Message by Ray Comfort points to the answer. As Christians we want our family and friends to experience God's amazing love as we have. We live our lives before them, loving them and praying for them day after day and year after year. Could it be our message? The message about God's wonderful plan for their lives, that God loves them and wants to be their Friend? This isn't how Jesus ministered. It is not how Paul or the apostles ministered either. They preached the law. They confronted people with their sin. True repentance comes when we are faced with the reality of our sin and God's amazing grace.
God can deal with a broken and contrite heart. That is how He dealt with King David, a man after His own heart. David committed crimes against every one of the Ten Commandments when He saw Bathsheba. He lusted, stole, murdered, coveted, committed adultery, and dishonored his parents. Above all, David set himself up as his own god, so God was not his only God anymore. He didn't love Him with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. Thankfully, God sent Nathan to rebuke David and he fell on his knees and cried out to God, "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight . . ." (Psalm 51:4)
This is how God dealt with me too. Without the law, I would not have known how much I offended God. Yet, when I cried out to Him, in His mercy He was there with me. It was as if He wrapped His loving arms around me, kissed me and said, "I love you. I am with you." I don't know how He could touch me and let all my mess get on Him, but He did. He knew two thousand years before I was born that I would need His grace. He took my mess to the cross that day on Calvary. He died and rose again so I could live with Him forever.
This is the salvation message that our world is desperate to hear and experience. I encourage you to read God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life-The Myth. We can be real salt and light in our dark world. Find out how.
Lord Jesus, I pray for all the people I've taught about your love. In spite of me, Lord, may they find your amazing grace and love. Forgive me for the times I missed the mark and help me to serve you better by helping people find true repentance. And I pray for all your servants who read this post, that they will know and teach the truth of the gospel and on that day--we will all hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant." We love you. Amen.
Wow, Sue, this book sounds like it has a unique message. Thank you for sharing your review and advice. Food for thought, for sure!
Ray Comfort is an amazing speaker and teacher. We have his CD Hells Best Kept Secret. Our son gave us the CD after Ray came to their church.
I'm buying the book.
Thank you for the review.
Sue, your book review is a powerful devotion that really hits home. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Beth, Jean and Chris for your comments. The book is an eye-opener. I checked it out from church, but since I couldn't mark it up, I ordered my own copy from Amazon this morning. Blessings to you as you serve our Lord.
Well done, good and faithful blogger!
Love you. xo
Joanne, you make me smile. Thank you for all the times you light up my life!!
I have many of Ray's books as well as his CD's with Kirk Cameron - The Master's Way. If you remember in "The Lost Coast", when Punkin and Boo are sharing the Gospel with Megan, they give her "The Good Person" test. I learned it from Ray. I think that the "God has a wonderful Plan for your life" message has deteriorated into the feel good, seeker sensitive, prosperity message that has the church hopeless, helpless, faithless, and useless as far as the world is concerned. My favorite current quote is from Donald Gray Barnhouse and it is: "The church was not left in the world to perfume the dungheap of fallen humanity, but to take out, one by one, those that will be saved from the coming destruction." Another great review, thanks Sue.
Thank you, Patrick. And thank you for reminding me about how Punkin and Boo shared the gospel with Megan. I'm glad you are familiar with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort. In May our church will begin using this book in small group studies. Blessings to you as you continue to write for Him.
Great comments about Ray's book. I'm so glad you were able to read it. www.freewonderfulbook.com has the entire pdf for free. Blessings to you all! Trish
Thank you tons for this information. My readers will thank you too.
"True repentance comes when we are faced with the reality of our sin and God's amazing grace." This is so true and something we do not preach/teach enough on. I love listening to Ray Comfort. I am going to have to read this book.
Loved Patrick's quote, ""The church was not left in the world to perfume the dungheap of fallen humanity, but to take out, one by one, those that will be saved from the coming destruction." Well said!
Amen Sister! I agree with Patrick's well-chosen words too.
Definately food for thought. Thanks for the review of the book. Hope to see you soon.
Yes, Betty, you have a birthday coming up. No fooling! Thank you for reading the review. The book is better. :)
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